Opportunities for Master's Theses / Masterarbeiten

Completed Master' and Bachelor' Theses

  • Investigating Agulhas early retroflections and ocean dynamics: SWOT vs. conventional altimetry.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Changes in tides from satellite altimetry in the North European Continental Shelf.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Modelling of vertical land motion from a GNSS network for relative sea level change studies.
    TUM/LMU (M.Sc. Geophysics), Master Thesis
  • DORIS-based ionospheric corrections for single-frequency radar altimetry.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Impact of the space weather event from May 2024 on the thermosphere.
  • Impact of the space weather event from May 2024 on the thermosphere.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Gewässertiefen aus dem Weltall: Analyse von Laseraltimetermessungen über Seen und Flüssen.
    TUM (B. Sc. Geodesy & Geoinformation), Bachelor Thesis
  • Impact of refined geophysical models on orbits of altimetry satellites.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Effect of coral reefs on wave height and wave energy.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Correlation between tidal variations and El Nino Southern Oscillation.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Feature extraction for ionospheric Space Weather forecasting with machine learning.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodesy & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • Detecting extreme sea states in satellite altimetry data.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • SLR long-term mean range biases for LEO satellites.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • Transformation of global thermospheric density grids from the NRLMSISE-00 model into a multi-dimensional B-spline representation.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • Estimation of electron density key parameters using the multi-layer Chapman Model considering inequality constraints from ionospheric radio occultation measurements.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • Inland water levels from Sentinel-6: How can SAR altimetry improve the height estimation of rivers and lakes?.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Verwendung von ICESat-2 Laser-Altimetrie zur Bestimmung des Meeresspiegels im Arktischen Ozean.
    TUM (B.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Bachelor Thesis
  • Computation of a global terrestrial reference frame based on SLR solutions.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • Analysis of coastal sea level trends.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • Investigation of the ionospheric response to space weather events by the analysis of data from space-geodetic satellite missions.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Signatures of global warming: Long-term changes of sea level and surface currents in the Greenland Sea.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • Approximation of non-linear post-seismic station motions in the context of geodetic reference frames.
    University of Applied Science Munich (M.Eng. Geomatik), Master Thesis
  • Analysis of non-tidal station loading (NT-L) in terrestrial reference frame computations.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Nominal and observation-based attitude realization for precise orbit determination of the Jason satellites.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • Estimation of River Discharge using Satellite Altimetry and optical Remote Sensing Images.
    University of Applied Science Munich (M.Eng. Geomatik), Master Thesis
  • Improving water level estimations of lakes and rivers by advanced analysis of altimeter observations.
    TUM (M.Sc. Environmental Engineering), Master Thesis
  • Einfluss des Weltraumwetters auf geodätisch bestimmbare Ionosphärenparameter.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • Analysis of extreme droughts in East Brazil based on satellite altimetry and other remote sensing techniques.
    TUM (M.Sc. Environmental Engineering), Master Thesis
  • Design and test of a scheme for performance assessment of Significant Wave Height data.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Does the coastal mean sea level variability differ from the global trend?.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Retrieving coastal sea level from early satellite altimeters.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Regional coastal altimetry in China based on multi-missions.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Lead Detection in Polar Oceans using CryoSat-2 SAR Observations.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Using ICESat laser altimeter data for the detection of open water returns in sea ice regions.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Coastal Sea State Bias: correcting coastal sea level by studying the relation between wind, waves and the radar signals.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Adaptive Modelling of the Vertical Total Electron Content of the Earths Ionosphere.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Deformation model of the Alpine region inferred from GNSS observations.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Automated Extraction of Time-Variable Water Surfaces with Cloud-Based Google Earth Engine.
    University of Applied Science Munich (B.Eng. Kartographie und Geomedientechnik), Bachelor Thesis
  • Berechnung von zeitlichen Variationen der Wasservolumina in Feuchtgebieten aus der Kombination von Satellitenaltimetrie und Fernerkundung – Beispielregion Pantanal.
    TU Wien (M.Sc. Geodäsie), Master Thesis
  • Pulse-limited Altimeter Waveform Simulator.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Regionaler Meeresspiegeltrend in der Deutschen Bucht – Vergleich zwischen Satellitenaltimetrie und Pegelmessungen.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • Hochfrequente Variation der Erdrotation: Physikalischer Hintergrund und numerische Simulation.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis
  • Studying water level variations of wetlands from satellite altimetry – case study Sudd Swamp.
    TUM (M.Sc. ESPACE), Master Thesis
  • Verwendung von Schiffsgravimetermessungen für die verbesserte regionale Schwerefeldmodellierung.
    TUM (M.Sc. Geodäsie & Geoinformation), Master Thesis

Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: www.tum.de