Papers/Reports 1995

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 |

Bosch W., Metzner M.: Satellite Altimetry. In: National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 1991 - 1995. Dt. Geod. Komm., Reihe B, Nr. 300, 32-36, 1995
Drewes H.: Wissenschafliche Versammlung 'Geodäsie und Geophysik. La Plata /Argen-tinien, 24.-28.10.1994. ZfV (120) 202, 1995
Drewes H.: IGS Workshop 'Densification of the ITRF through Regional GPS Networks. Pasadena/Kalifornien, 30.11.-02.12.1994. ZfV(120)200-201, 1995
Drewes H.: Global Positioning. In: National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 1991 - 1995. Dt. Geod. Komm., Reihe B, Nr. 300, 7 - 13, 1995
Drewes H., Kaniuth K., Stuber K., Tremel H., Kahle H.G., Straub C., Hernandez N., Hoyer M., Wildermann E.: The CASA`93 GPS campaign for crustal deformation research along the South Caribbean plate boundary. Journal of Geodynamics 20(2): 129-144, 10.1016/0264-3707(95)00002-Q, 1995
Fortes L.P., Hoyer M.J., Subiza W.H., Drewes H.: The SIRGAS project. IGS 1994 Annual Report, 247-250, 1995
Grafarend E., Groten E., Hornik H., Schnädelbach K.: National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 1991-1995. XXI General Assembly of the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 1995 in Boulder/USA, Dt. Geod. Komm., Reihe B, Nr. 300, 96 Seiten, 1995
Gubler E., Hornik H.: Report on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF) held in Helsinki, 3 - 6 May 1995. Reports of the EUREF Technical Working Group, Bayer. Komm. f.d. Int. Erdmessung, Nr. 56, 298 Seiten, München, 1995
Haas R., Campbell J., Schuh H.: Geodynamical parameters determined by VLBI. 10th working meeting on European VLBI for geodesy and astrometry. Proceedings ed. by R. Lanotte and G. Bianco, Agenzia Spaziale Italiano, Matera, 91-102, 1995
Kaniuth K., Drewes H., Tremel H., Stuber K., Zerbini S., Pezzoli L., Corrado G.: Crustal deformations in the Calabrian Arc area from five years of GPS measurements. Proc. of ISTANBUL-94, 1st Turkish Internat. Symp. on Deformations, Istanbul, 781-790, 1995
Kelm R.: Interner Bericht RK/65/95/DGFI, Abt. I. Automatisches Ermitteln des Innenbereiches eines Ringpolygons in der Ebene: Algorithmen und Programm, 1995
Kelm R.: The vertical dimension of the European Datum: Some principal considerations. Veröffentlichung der Bayerischen Kommission für die Internationale Erdmessung, Heft Nr. 56,111-115, Mänchen, 1995
Richter B.: Die Parametrisierung der Erdorientierung. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Jahrgang 120, 109-119, 1995
Richter B.: The rotation of the celestial equatorial system with the so-called 'non-rotatingorigin. Geodetic Theory Today; Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 32-38, 1995
Schmidt M.: Grundlagen der Bayes-Statistik. Interner Bericht MS/64/95/DGFI, Abt. I, 1995. Adjustment Theory. In: National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 1991-1995. Dt. Geod. Komm., Reihe B, Nr. 300, 73-76, 1995
Schmidt M.: Moderne Methoden der Signalanalyse. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 121 (7), 315-325, 1996. Grundlagen der Wavelet-Theorie. Interner Bericht MS/67/95/DGFI, Abt. I, 1995
Schmidt M., Bosch W.: Long-term vertical control in satellite altimetry, deficiencies and concepts. In: Sänkel H., Marson I. (Eds.) Gravity and Geoid, IAG Symposia 113: 366-375, Springer, 10.1007/978-3-642-79721-7_37, 1995

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