Papers/Reports 2006

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 |

Angermann D., Kelm R., Krügel M., Meisel B., Müller H., Tesmer V., Thaller D., Dill R.: Towards a rigorous combination of space geodetic observations for IERS product generation. In: Flury J., Rummel R., Reigber C., Rothacher M., Boedecker G., Schreiber U. (Eds.) Observation of the Earth System from Space, pp 373-387, Springer, 10.1007/3-540-29522-4_25, 2006
Bourda G., Böhm J., Heinkelmann R., Schuh H.: Analysis and Comparison of precise long-term Nutation Series, strictly determined with OCCAM 6.1 VLBI Software. In: Journées 2005 - systémes de référence spatio-temporels. Earth dynamics and reference systems: five years after the adoption of the IAU 2000 resolutions, Warsaw, September 19-21, A. Brzezinski, N. Capitaine and B. Kolaczek (eds.), Paris: Observatoire de Paris, Varsovie: Polish academy of science, ISBN 2-901057-53-5, ISBN 83-89439-60-3, 189-190, 2006
Drewes H.: Zum Wandel in der Zielsetzung geodätischer Forschung (CD Version: The changing objectives in geodetic research). ZfV (131) 292-298, 2006
Drewes H.: Integration von Geometrie und Gravimetrie: Das Globale Geodätische Observations-System (GGOS). Wiss. Arb. Fachr. Geod. u. Geoinf. Hannover, Nr. 263, 159-168, 2006
Drewes H., Angermann D., Gerstl M., Krügel M., Meisel B., Seemüller W.: Analysis and refined computations of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame. In: Flury J., Rummel R., Reigber C., Rothacher M., Boedecker G., Schreiber U. (Eds.): Observation of the Earth System from Space, 343-356, Springer, 10.1007/3-540-29522-4_23, 2006
Fortes L.P., Lauria E., Brunini C., Hernandez A., Sánchez L., Drewes H., Seemüller W.: Current status and future developments of the SIRGAS project. Wiss.Arb.Fachr.Verm., Univ. Hannover, Nr. 258, 59-70, 2006
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.: Combination of Long-term Time Series of Tropospheric Parameters Observed by VLBI. In: IVS 2006 General Meeting Proceedings, Concepción, Chile, January 9-11, D. Behrend, K.D. Baver (eds.), NASA/CP-2006-214140, 341-343, 2006
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H., Tesmer V.: Global VLBI Solution IGG05R01. In: IVS 2006 General Meeting Proceedings, Concepción, Chile, January 9-11, D. Behrend, K.D. Baver (eds.), NASA/CP-2006-214140, 42-51, 2006
Kaniuth K., Vetter S.: Estimating atmospheric pressure loading regression coefficients from GPS observations. GPS Solutions 10(2): 126-134, 10.1007/s10291-005-0014-4, 2006
Lyard F., Lefèvre F., Letellier T., Francis O.: Modelling the global ocean tides: a modern insight from FES2004. Ocean Dynamics, 56, 394-415, 2006
Mendes Cerveira, Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Weber R., Schuh H.: Contributions of GPS and VLBI in understanding station motions. Journal of Geodynamics, Vol. 41, Iss. 1-3, 87-93, 2006
Mladek F.: Hydrostatische Isostasie. Schriftreihe IAPG/FESG No.24, Institut für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie, Mänchen, 2006
Rummel R., Drewes H., Hornik H.: Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI). Bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrbuch 2005, 273-280, 2006
Schmidt M., Han S.-C., Kusche J., Sánchez L., Shum C.K.: Regional high-resolution spatio-temporal gravity modeling from GRACE data using spherical wavelets. Geophysical Research Letters 33(8), L08403, 10.1029/2005GL025509, 2006
Schuh H., Böhm J., Heinkelmann R., Hobiger T., Todorova S., Wresnik J.: Vienna IGG Special Analysis Center Annual Report 2005. In: IVS Annual Report 2005, D. Behrend and K.D. Baver (Eds.), NASA/TP-2006-214136, 245-248, 2006
Schuh H., Panafidina N., Böhm J., Heinkelmann R.: Climatic signals observed by VLBI. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica 41(2): 159-170, Akadémiai Kiadó, 10.1556/AGeod.41.2006.2.2, 2006
Tesmer V.: Konsistente Realisierung von Referenzsystemen mit dem Verfahren VLBI. DGFI Report No. 78, 2006
Tesmer V., Böhm J., Heinkelmann R., Schuh H.: Impact of Analysis Options on the TRF, CRF and Position Time Series Estimated from VLBI. In: IVS 2006 General Meeting Proceedings, Concepción, Chile, January 9-11, D. Behrend, K.D. Baver (eds.), NASA/CP-2006-214140, 243-251, 2006
Tesmer V., Drewes H., Krügel M.: DGFI Analysis Center Annual Report 2005. In: Behrend, D.,K. Baver (Eds.): IVS 2005 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2006-214136, 223-226, 2006
Thaller D., Dill R., Krügel M., Steigenberger P., Rothacher M., Tesmer V.: CONT02 analysis and combination of long EOP series. In: Flury J., Rummel R., Reigber C., Rothacher M., Boedecker G., Schreiber U. (Eds.) Observation of the Earth System from Space, 389-411, Springer, 10.1007/3-540-29522-4_26, 2006
Torres J., Hornik H.: Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-commission for Europe (EUREF) held in Bratislava, 25 June 2004; Reports of the EUREF Technical Working Group (TWG). EUREF Publication No. 14, 412 S. Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Band 35, Frankfurt a.M., 2006

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