Papers/Reports 2008
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Albertella A., Savcenko R., Bosch W., Rummel R.:
Dynamic ocean topography - the geodetic approach. DGFI/IAPG Report 82, Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), München, 2008
Angermann D.:
Berichte zur XXIV. Generalversammlung der IUGG - Internationale Assoziation fuer Geodaesie. Symposium G01 - Reference Frames. zfv, Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, 2008
Angermann D., Drewes H., Gerstl M., Krügel M., Meisel B.:
ITRS Combination Centre at DGFI. ITRS Combination Centre at DGFI, IERS Annual Report 2006, Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Frankfurt/Main, 2008
Angermann D., Drewes H., Kelm R., Krügel M., Meisel B., Tesmer V.:
IERS Combination Research Centre at DGFI. IERS Annual Report 2006, Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Frankfurt/Main, 2008
Artz T., Böckmann A., Nothnagel A., Tesmer V.:
Comparsion and Validation of VLBI Derived Polar Motion Estimates. In: Behrend D., Baver K. (Hrsg.): IVS 2008 General Meeting Proceedings submitted, 2008
Böhm J., Heinkelmann R., Schuh H., Nothnagel A.:
Validation of mean temperature values as provided by GPT. IVS Memorandum, 2008-003v02, 2008
Böhm J., Schuh H., Mendes Cerveira, Heinkelmann R.:
Reference pressure for the global geodetic observing system GGOS. IVS memorandum, 2008-002v01, 2008
Bosch W.:
Der Meeresspiegel - ansteigend und fast im Lot. Akademie Aktuell, 01/2008, 30-33, ISSN: 1436-753X, 2008
Bouman J., Catastini G., Cesare S., Jarecki F., Müller J., Kern M., Lamarre D., Plank G., Rispens S., Veicherts M., Tscherning C.C., Visser P.:
Synthesis analysis of internal external calibration. GOCE HPF, GO-TN-HPF-GS-0221, 2008
Brunini C., Sánchez L.:
SIRGAS: Reporte 2007-2008. SIRGAS Newsletter No. 13,, 2008
Drewes H.:
Berichte zur XXIV. Generalversammlung der IUGG - Internationale Assoziation für Geodäsie. Symposium US003 - Global Earth Observing Systems. zfv, Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, 133, 5-6, 2008
Drewes H.:
Future objectives of SIRGAS from the scientific point of view. SIRGAS Boletin Informativo, No. 13,, 2008
Drewes H.:
Update of the velocity field model for South America. SIRGAS Boletin Informativo, No. 13,, 2008
Drewes H.:
El sistema de observación geodésica global (GGOS) - componente de la Asociación Internacional de Geodesia (IAG) para el futuro. SIRGAS Boletin Informativo, No. 13,, 2008
Drewes H., Hornik H., Adam J., Rozsa S.:
The Geodesist`s Handbook 2008. Journal of Geodesy 82(11): 661-846, Springer,
10.1007/s00190-008-0259-0, 2008
Englich S., Heinkelmann R., Schuh H.:
Reassessment of Ocean Tidal Terms in High-frequency Earth rotation variations observed by VLBI. In: IVS 2008 General Meeting Proceedings, A. Finkelstein and D. Behrend (Eds.), ISBN 978-5-02-025332-2, 314-318, 2008
Göttl F.:
Earth rotation variations from geometric, gravimetric and altimetric observations and geophysical models. DGFI Report 84, Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), Mänchen, 2008
Göttl F., Seitz F.:
Contribution of non-tidal oceanic mass variations to polar motion determined from space geodesy and ocean data. in: Sideris, M.G. (ed.) Observing our Changing Earth, IAG Symposia 133: 439-445, Springer,
10.1007/978-3-540-85426-5_53, 2008
Heinkelmann R.:
Bestimmung des atmosphärischen Wasserdampfes mittels VLBI als Beitrag zur Klimaforschung. PhD thesis, Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, Heft Nr. 82, ISSN 1811-8380, Schriftenreihe der Studienrichtung Vermessung und Geoinformation, 212, 2008
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.:
Effects of pressure and temperature on the VLBI reference frames. In: IVS 2008 General Meeting Proceedings, A. Finkelstein and D. Behrend (Eds.), ISBN 978-5-02-025332-2, 188-192, 2008
Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.:
Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) for climate studies. In: Proceedings of the Turkish National Geodetic Commission Scientific Meeting TUJK 2007, M. Karslioglu, M. Nohutcu, E. Erdogan (Eds.), 65-71, 2008
Heinkelmann R., Freymueller J.T., Schuh H.:
A postseismic relaxation model for the 2002 Denali Earthquake from GPS Deformation Analysis applied to VLBI data. In: IVS 2008 General Meeting Proceedings, A. Finkelstein and D. Behrend (Eds.), ISBN 978-5-02-025332-2, 335-340, 2008
Jin S., Wu Y., Heinkelmann R., Park J.:
Diurnal and semidiurnal atmospheric tides observed by co-located GPS and VLBI measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70(10): 1366-1372,
10.1016/j.jastp.2008.04.005, 2008
Kudryashova M., Snajdrova K., Weber R., Heinkelmann R., Schuh H.:
Combination of nutation time series derived from VLBI and GNSS. In: IVS 2008 General Meeting Proceedings, A. Finkelstein and D. Behrend (Eds.), ISBN 978-5-02-025332-2, 240-245, 2008
Müller H.:
Analysis of Multi-Wavelength SLR Tracking Using Precise Orbits. In: Luck J., Moore Ch., Wilson P. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, EOS Space Systems PTY Limited, Canberra, 2008
Müller H., Angermann D.:
Some Aspects Concerning the SLR Part of ITRF2005. In: Luck J., Moore Ch., Wilson P. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, EOS Space Systems PTY Limited, Canberra, 2008
Nohutcu M., Karslioglu M.O., Gucluer B., Schmidt M., Zeilhofer C., Zhang J., Ergintav S. :
Local modeling of VTEC using GPS observations. roceedings of the Turkish National Geodetic Commission Scientific Meeting 2007, Ankara, 2008
Sánchez L.:
Approach for the establishment of a global vertical reference level. In: Xu P., Liu J., Dermanis A. (eds.) VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Geodesy, IAG Symposia 132: 119-125, Springer,
10.1007/978-3-540-74584-6_18, 2008
Sánchez L., Seemüller W., Seitz M.:
Comparison and combination of the weekly solutions delivered by the SIRGAS Experimental Processing Centres. No. 80, 77p., DGFI Report, DGFI, Munich, 2008
Savcenko R., Bosch W.:
EOT08a - Empirical Ocean Tide Model from Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry. DGFI Report 81, Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI), München, 2008
Schmeer M., Bosch W., Schmidt M.:
Separation of oceanic and hydrological mass variations by simulated gravity observations. Report No. 83, Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut, DGFI, Mänchen, 2008
Schmidt M., Bilitza D., Shum C.K., Zeilhofer C.:
Regional 4-D modeling of the ionospheric electron density. Advances in Space Research, 42(4): 782-790,
10.1016/j.asr.2007.02.050, 2008
Schmidt M., Fabert O.:
Ellipsoidal Wavelet Representation of the Gravity Field. 487, OSU, Columbus, Ohio, 2008
Schmidt M., Karslioglu M.O., Zeilhofer C.:
Regional multi-dimensional modeling of the ionosphere from satellite data. Proceedings of Turkish National Geodetic Commision, 88-92, Ankara, 2008
Schmidt M., Seitz F.:
Die Wasserspeicher Mitteleuropas - beobachtet aus dem Weltall. Akademie Aktuell, 03/2008, 36-39, 2008
Schmidt M., Seitz F., Shum C.K.:
Regional four-dimensional hydrological mass variations from GRACE, atmospheric flux convergence, and river gauge data. Journal of Geophysical Research 113(B10), B10402,
10.1029/2008JB005575, 2008
(Open Access)
Schmidt M., Shum C.K., Karslioglu M.O.:
Multi-resolution representation of the gravity field from satellite data based on wavelet expansions with time-dependent coefficients. Journal of Mapping (Harita Dergisi), Special Issue: 18, 477-482, 2008
Schuh H., Böhm J., Englich S., Heinkelmann R., Mendes Cerveira, Pany A., Tanir E., Teke K., Todorova S., Wresnik J.:
Vienna IGG Special Analysis Center Annual Report 2007. In: IVS 2007 Annual Report, D. Behrend and K.D. Baver (Eds.), NASA/TP-2008-214162, p. 208-211, 2008
Schuh H., Böhm J., Heinkelmann R.:
Numerical weather models for troposphere delay modelling at radio wavelengths. In: Proceedings of the Turkish National Geodetic Commission Scientific Meeting TUJK 2007, M. Karslioglu, M. Nohutcu, E. Erdogan (Eds.), 93-95, 2008
Schwatke C.:
Erkennung und Verfolgung von Eddies (wirbelförmigen Meeresspiegelanomalien) durch Kombination von Altimeterdaten und Meeresspiegeltemperaturen. Master Thesis in Computer Science, Munich University of Applied Sciences, 2008
Seitz F., Schmidt M., Shum C.K.:
Signals of extreme weather conditions in Central Europe in GRACE 4D hydrological mass variations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 268(1-2): 165-170,
10.1016/j.epsl.2008.01.001, 2008
Skachko S., Danilov S., Janjic T., Schröter J., Sidorenko D., Savcenko R., Bosch W.:
Sequential assimilation of multi-mission dynamical topography into a global finite-element ocean model. Ocean Science 4(4): 307-318,
10.5194/os-4-307-2008, 2008
Teke K., Heinkelmann R., Böhm J., Schuh H.:
VLBI Baseline Length Repeatability Tests of IVS-R1 and -R4 Session Types. In: IVS 2008 General Meeting Proceedings, A. Finkelstein and D. Behrend (Eds.), ISBN 978-5-02-025332-2, 173-177, 2008
Tesmer V., Drewes H., Krügel M.:
DGFI Analysis Center Annual Report 2007. IVS 2007 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2008-214162, 187-190, 2008
Tesmer V., Drewes H., Krügel M.:
DGFI Analysis Center Annual Report 2007. In: Behrend D., Baver K. (Hrsg.): IVS 2007 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2008-214162, 2008
Winkelnkemper T., Seitz F., Min S.-K., Hense A.:
Simulation of historic and future atmospheric angular momentum effects on length-of-day variations with GCMs. In: Sideris M.G. (Ed.) Observing our Changing Earth, IAG Symposia, Vol. 133, pp 447-454, Springer,
10.1007/978-3-540-85426-5_54, 2008
Zeilhofer C.:
Multi-dimensional B-spline Modeling of Spatio-temporal Ionospheric Signals. 123, A, DGK, München, 2008