Papers/Reports 2017

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Angermann D., Böhm J.: Report IAG-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly 2017, Session G01: Reference Frames. Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement (zfv), 142 (6), 2017
Angermann D., Gruber T., Gerstl M., Hugentobler U., Heinkelmann R., Sanchez L., Steigenberger P.: GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards. In: Drewes H., Kuglitsch F. (Eds.), Travaux de l’AIG 40, 2017
Bachmann S., Messerschmitt L., Schmid R., Bloßfeld M., Thaller D.: BKG/DGFI-TUM Combination Center Biennial Report 2015+2016. International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2015+2016 Biennial Report, edited by K. D. Baver, D. Behrend, and K. L. Armstrong, NASA/TP-2017-219021, 2017
Bachmann S., Messerschmitt L., Schmid R., Bloßfeld M., Thaller D.: BKG/DGFI-TUM Combination Center Biennial Report 2015+2016. In: Baver K.D., Behrend D., Armstrong K.L. (Eds.) International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2015+2016 Biennial Report, NASA/TP-2017-219021, 2017
Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Seitz M.: Annual Report 2016 of the ITRS Combination Centre at DGFI-TUM. Bundesamts für Kartographie und Geodäsie, 2017
Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Seitz M.: DGFI-TUM analysis and scale investigations of the latest terrestrial reference frame realizations. Proceedings of the IAG-IASPEI Joint Symposia (submitted), Kobe, Japan, 2017
Boergens E, Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Seitz F.: Water level, areal extent and volume change of Lake Tanganyika, Lake Turkana, Lake Tonle Sap and Lake Constance: Multi-year time series from satellite altimetry and remote sensing (data). Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut, München, -, 10.1594/pangaea.883898, 2017
Boergens E., Buhl S., Dettmering D., Klüppelberg C., Seitz F.: Combination of multi-mission altimetry data along the Mekong River with spatio-temporal kriging. Journal of Geodesy, 91(5), 519-534, 10.1007/s00190-016-0980-z, 2017
Boergens E., Nielsen K., Andersen O., Dettmering D., Seitz F.: River Levels Derived with CryoSat-2 SAR Data Classification-A Case Study in the Mekong River Basin. Remote Sensing, 9(9), 1238, 10.3390/rs9121238, 2017 (Open Access)
Brockley D.J., Baker S., Féménias P., Martínez B., Massmann F.-H., Otten M., Paul F., Picard B., Prandi P., Roca M., Rudenko S., Scharroo R., Visser P.: REAPER: Reprocessing 12 Years of ERS-1 and ERS-2 Altimeters and Microwave Radiometer Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55(10), 5506 - 5514, 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2709343, 2017
Cipollini P., Benveniste J., Birol F., Joana Fernandes M., Obligis E., Passaro M., Strub T., Valladeau G., Vignudelli S., Wilkin J.: Satellite Altimetry in Coastal Regions. In: Stammer D. and Cazenave A. (Eds.), Satellite Altimetry Over Oceans and Land Surfaces, 2017
Erdogan E., Schmidt M., Seitz F., Durmaz M.: Near real-time estimation of ionosphere vertical total electron content from GNSS satellites using B-splines in a Kalman filter. Annales Geophysicae, 35(2), 263-277, 10.5194/angeo-35-263-2017, 2017 (Open Access)
Forootan E., Kusche J., Talpe M., Shum C.K., Schmidt M.: Developing a Complex Independent Component Analysis (CICA) Technique to Extract Non-stationary Patterns from Geophysical Time Series. Survey in Geophysics, 1-31, 10.1007/s10712-017-9451-1, 2017
Gerzen T., V. Wilken, D. Minkwitz, M. Hoque, S. Schlüter: Three-dimensional data assimilation for ionospheric reference scenarios. Ann. Geophys., 10.5194/angeo-35-203-2017, 2017
Ihde J., Sánchez L., Barzaghi R., Drewes H., Foerste Ch., GruberT., Liebsch G., Marti U., Pail R., Sideris M.: Definition and proposed realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS). Surveys in Geophysics, 38(3), 549-570, 10.1007/s10712-017-9409-3, 2017
Kwak Y., Gerstl M., Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Schmid R., Seitz M.: DOGS-RI: new VLBI analysis software at DGFI-TUM. Proceedings of the 23rd EVGA Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2017
Lago L.S., Saraceno M., Ruiz-Etcheverry L.A., Passaro M., Oreiro F.A., D'Onofrio E.E., Gonzalez R.A.: Improved Sea Surface Height From Satellite Altimetry in Coastal Zones: A Case Study in Southern Patagonia. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 1-11, 10.1109/jstars.2017.2694325, 2017
Liang W.: A regional physics-motivated electron density model of the ionosphere. Technische Universität München , 2017
Lieb V.: Enhanced regional gravity field modeling from the combination of real data via MRR. Dissertation, Schriftenreihe der Technischen Universität München und DGK Reihe C, Heft Nr. 795, Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, ISBN 978-3-7696-5207 9, 10.14459/2017md1349855, 2017
Montenbruck O., Steigenberger P., Prange L., Deng Z., Zhao Q., Perosanz F., Romero I., Noll C., Stürze A., Weber G., Schmid R., MacLeod K., Schaer S.: The Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) of the International GNSS Service (IGS) – achievements, prospects and challenges. Advances in Space Research, 59(7), 1671-1697, 10.1016/j.asr.2017.01.011, 2017
Müller F.L., Dettmering D., Bosch W., Seitz F.: Monitoring the Arctic Seas: How Satellite Altimetry Can Be Used to Detect Open Water in Sea-Ice Regions. Remote Sensing, 9(6), 551, 10.3390/rs9060551, 2017 (Open Access)
Panafidina N,, Hugentobler U., Seitz M., Krásná H.: Influence of subdaily polar motion model on nutation offsets estimated by very long baseline interferometry. Journal of Geodesy, 10.1007/s00190-017-1039-5, 2017
Passaro M.: COSTA v1.0: DGFI-TUM Along Track Sea Level Product for ERS-2 and Envisat (1996-2010) in the Mediterranean Sea and in the North Sea (data). Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut, Munich, 10.1594/pangaea.871920, 2017
Passaro M., Müller F., Dettmering D.: Lead Detection using Cryosat-2 Delay-Doppler Processing and Sentinel-1 SAR images. Advances in Space Research, 10.1016/j.asr.2017.07.011, 2017
Quartly G. D., Legeais J.-F., Ablain M., Zawadzki L., Fernandes M. J., Rudenko S., Carrère L., García P. N., Cipollini P., Andersen O. B., Poisson J.-C., Mbajon Njiche S., Cazenave A., Benveniste J.: A new phase in the production of quality-controlled sea level data. Earth System Science Data, 9(2), 557-572, 10.5194/essd-9-557-2017, 2017
Rudenko S., Neumayer K.-H., Dettmering D., Esselborn S., Schöne T., Raimondo J.-C.: Improvements in precise orbits of altimetry satellites and their impact on mean sea level monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55(6), 3382-3395, 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2670061, 2017
Sánchez L.: Focus Area “Unified Height System” and JWG 0.1.2 “Strategy for the Realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS)”. Travaux of the International Association of Geodesy, 376-379, 2017
Sánchez L.: Status report: GGOS Focus Area 1: Unified Height System, and JWG 0.1.2: Strategy for the Realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS). Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), International Association of Geodesy (IAG), 2017
Sánchez L.: SIRGAS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre, Technical Report 2016. In: Villiger A., Dach R. (eds.), International GNSS Service Technical Report 2016 (IGS Annual Report), 105-114, 10.7892/boris.99278, 2017
Sánchez L., Martí U., Ihde J.: Le chemin vers un système de référence altimétrique global et unifié. Revue XYZ, 150, 61-67, 2017
Sánchez L., Sideris M.G.: Vertical datum unification for the International Height Reference System (IHRS) . Geophysical Journal International, 209(2), 570-586, 10.1093/gji/ggx025 , 2017
Schmid R.: Antenna Working Group Technical Report 2016. In: A. Villiger, R. Dach (Eds.) International GNSS Service Technical Report 2016, 139-144, 10.7892/boris.99278, 2017
Schmid R., Gerstl M, Kwak Y., Seitz M., Angermann D.: DGFI-TUM Analysis Center Biennial Report 2015+2016. In: Baver K.D., Behrend D., Armstrong K.L. (Eds.) International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2015+2016 Biennial Report, NASA/TP-2017-219021, 2017
Schmidt M., Erdogan E., Goss A., Hernández-Pajares M., García Rigo A., Lyu H.: Development and validation of sequential UBS and NABS models. ACORDE Technologies, 2017
Schöne T., Bingley R., Deng Z., Gravelle M., Griffiths J., Guichard M., Habrich H., Hansen D., Herring T., Hunegnaw A., Jia M., King M., Merrifield M., Mitchum G., Moore M., Neilan R., Noll C., Prouteau E., Sánchez L., Santamaría-Gómez A., Teferle N., Thaller D., Tregoning P., Williams S., Wöppelmann G.: Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring Working Group, Technical Report. In: Villiger A., Dach R. (eds.), International GNSS Service Technical Report 2016 (IGS Annual Report), 185-187, 10.7892/boris.99278, 2017
Talpe M.J., Nerem R.S., Forootan E., Schmidt M., Lemoine F.G., Enderlin E.M., Landerer F.W.: Ice mass change in Greenland and Antarctica between 1993 and 2013 from satellite gravity measurements. Journal of Geodesy, 10.1007/s00190-017-1025-y, 2017
Tourian M.J., Schwatke C., Sneeuw N.: River discharge estimation at daily resolution from satellite altimetry over an entire river basin. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 546, 230-247, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.01.009, 2017
Zlinszky A., Boergens E., Glira P., Pfeifer N.: Airborne Laser Scanning for calibration and validation of inshore satellite altimetry: A proof of concept. Remote Sensing of Environment, 197, 35-42, 10.1016/j.rse.2017.04.027, 2017 (Open Access)

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