Papers/Reports 2019

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 |

Angermann D., Gruber T., Gerstl M., Heinkelmann R., Hugentobler U., Sanchez L., Steigenberger P.: GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards. In: Drewes H., Kuglitsch F. (Eds.), Travaux de l'AIG 41, 2019
Ardhuin F., Stopa J.E., Chapron B., Collard F., Husson R., Jensen R.E., Johannessen J., Mouche A., Passaro M., Quartly G.D., Swail V., Young I.: Observing Sea States. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10.3389/fmars.2019.00124, 2019 (Open Access)
Benveniste J., Cazenave A., Vignudelli S., Fenoglio-Marc L., Shah R., Almar R, Andersen O., Birol F., Bonnefond P., Bouffard J., Calafat F., Cardellach E., Cipollini P., Le Cozannet G., Dufau C., Fernandes M.J., Frappart F., Garrison J., Gommenginger C., Han G., Høyer J.L.,Kourafalou V., Leuliette E., Li, Z., Loisel H., Madsen K.S., Marcos M., Melet A., Meyssignac B., Pascual A., Passaro M., Ribó S., Scharroo R., Song Y.T., Speich S., Wilkin J., Woodworth P., Wöppelmann,G.: Requirements for a Coastal Hazards Observing System. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 10.3389/fmars.2019.00348, 2019 (Open Access)
Boergens E., Dettmering D., Seitz F.: Observing water level extremes in the Mekong River Basin: The benefit of long-repeat orbit missions in a multi-mission satellite altimetry approach. Journal of Hydrology, 570, 463-472, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.12.041, 2019
Busker T., de Roo A., Gelati E., Schwatke C., Adamovic M., Bisselink B., Pekel J.-F., Cottam A.: A global lake and reservoir volume analysis using a surface water dataset and satellite altimetry. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23(2), 669-690, 10.5194/hess-23-669-2019, 2019 (Open Access)
Chereskin T.K., Gille S.T., Rocha C.B., Menemenlis D., Passaro M.: Characterizing the transition from balanced to unbalanced motions in the southern California Current. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 10.1029/2018jc014583, 2019
Dettmering D., Passaro M., Braun A.: Editorial for Special Issue “Advances in Satellite Altimetry and Its Application”. Remote Sensing, 11(24), 2913, 10.3390/rs11242913, 2019
Dettmering D., Schwatke C.: Multi-Mission Cross-Calibration of Satellite Altimeters - Systematic Differences between Sentinel-3A and Jason-3. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 10.1007/1345_2019_58, 2019
Gómez-Enri J., Vignudelli S., Izquierdo A., Passaro M., González C.J., Cipollini P., Bruno M., Álvarez Ó., Mañanes R.: Sea Level Variability in the Strait of Gibraltar from Along-Track High Spatial Resolution Altimeter Products. In: (Eds.), International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 10.1007/1345_2019_54, 2019
Goss A., Schmidt M., Erdogan E., Görres B., Seitz F.: High-resolution vertical total electron content maps based on multi-scale B-spline representations. Annales Geophysicae, 37(4), 10.5194/angeo-37-699-2019, 2019 (Open Access)
Göttl F, Murböck M, Schmidt M., Seitz F.: Reducing filter effects in GRACE-derived polar motion excitations. Earth, Planets and Space, 71(71), 10.1186/s40623-019-1101-z, 2019 (Open Access)
Hellmers H., Thaller D., Bloßfeld M., Kehm A., Girdiuk A.: Combination of VLBI Intensive Sessions with GNSS for generating Low latency Earth Rotation Parameters. Advances in Geosciences, 50, 49–56, 10.5194/adgeo-50-49-2019, 2019 (Open Access)
Kehm A., Bloßfeld M., König P., Seitz F.: Future TRFs and GGOS – where to put the next SLR station?. Advances in Geosciences, 50, 17–25, 10.5194/adgeo-50-17-2019, 2019 (Open Access)
Luceri V., Pirri M., Rodríguez J., Appleby G., Pavlis E. C., Müller H.: Systematic errors in SLR data and their impact on the ILRS products. Journal of Geodesy, 93, 2357-2366, 10.1007/s00190-019-01319-w, 2019
Marti F., Cazenave A., Birol F., Passaro M., Leger F., Nino F., Almar R. Benveniste J., Legeais J.F.: Altimetry-based sea level trends along the coast of Western Africa. Advances in Space Research, 10.1016/j.asr.2019.05.033, 2019
Müller F. L., Dettmering D., Wekerle C., Schwatke C., Bosch W., Seitz F.: Geostrophic Currents in the northern Nordic Seas - A Combined Dataset of Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry and Ocean Modeling (data). Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut, München , 10.1594/PANGAEA.900691, 2019 (Open Access)
Müller F. L., Dettmering D., Wekerle C., Schwatke C., Passaro M., Bosch W., Seitz F.: Geostrophic currents in the northern Nordic Seas from a combination of multi-mission satellite altimetry and ocean modeling. Earth System Science Data, 11(4), 1765-1781, 10.5194/essd-11-1765-2019, 2019 (Open Access)
Müller F. L., Wekerle C., Dettmering D., Passaro M., Bosch W., Seitz F.: Dynamic ocean topography of the northern Nordic seas: a comparison between satellite altimetry and ocean modeling. The Cryosphere, 13, 611–626, 10.5194/tc-13-611-2019, 2019 (Open Access)
Pavlis E.C., Pearlman M.R., Noll C.E., Ricklefs R., Schwatke C., Wilkinson M., Kirchner G., Luceri V., Otsubu T., Müller J., Torre J.-M., Schreiber U.: International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS). Reports 2015-2019 of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), Travaux de l'AIG, 673-692, 2019
Pearlman M. Arnold D. Davis M. Barlier F. Biancale R. Vasiliev V. Ciufolini I. Paolozzi A. Pavlis E.C. Sośnica K. Bloßfeld M.: Laser geodetic satellites: a high-accuracy scientific tool. Journal of Geodesy, 93(11), 2181-2194, 10.1007/s00190-019-01228-y, 2019
Piccioni G., Dettmering D., Bosch W., Seitz F.: TICON: TIdal CONstants based on GESLA sea‐level records from globally located tide gauges. Geoscience Data Journal, 97-104, 10.1002/gdj3.72, 2019 (Open Access)
Quartly G. D., Rinne E., Passaro M., Andersen O. B., Dinardo S., Fleury S., Guillot A., Hendricks S., Kurekin A., Müller F. L., Ricker R., Skourup H., Tsamados M.: Retrieving Sea Level and Freeboard in the Arctic: A Review of Current Radar Altimetry Methodologies and Future Perspectives. Remote Sensing, 11(7), 881, 10.3390/rs11070881, 2019 (Open Access)
Quartly G.D., Smith W., Passaro M.: Removing Intra-1-Hz Covariant Error to Improve Altimetric Profiles of σ⁰ and Sea Surface Height. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1-12, 10.1109/tgrs.2018.2886998, 2019
Ren X., Zhang X., Schmidt M., Zhao Z., Chen J., Zhang J., Li X.: Performance of GNSS Global Ionospheric Modeling augmented by LEO Constellation. Earth and Space Science, 10.1029/2019ea000898, 2019
Reyes, R.;Noveloso, D.;Rediang, A.;Passaro, M.;Bringas, D.;Nagai, M.: Tide gauge and satellite altimetry data for possible land motion detection in south east Bohol trench and fault. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-4/W19, 369-376, 10.5194/isprs-archives-xlii-4-w19-369-2019, 2019
Riepl S., Müller H., Mähler S., Eckl J., Klügel T., Schreiber U., Schüler T.: Operating two SLR systems at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell: from local survey to space ties. Journal of Geodesy, 10.1007/s00190-019-01243-z, 2019
Rose S.K., Andersen O.B., Passaro M., Ludwigsen C.A., Schwatke C.: Arctic Ocean Sea Level Record from the Complete Radar Altimetry Era: 1991–2018. Remote Sensing, 11(14), 1672, 10.3390/rs11141672, 2019 (Open Access)
Rudenko S., Esselborn S., Schöne T. , Dettmering D.: Impact of terrestrial reference frame realizations on altimetry satellite orbit quality and global and regional sea level trends: a switch from ITRF2008 to ITRF2014. Solid Earth, 10(1), 293-305, 10.5194/se-10-293-2019, 2019 (Open Access)
Sánchez L.: SIRGAS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre Technical Report 2018. Villiger A., Dach R. (Eds.), International GNSS Service Technical Report 2018 (IGS Annual Report), 109 - 125, 10.7892/boris.130408, 2019
Sánchez L.: Report of the GGOS Focus Area Unified Height System and the Joint Working Group 0.1.2: Strategy for the Realization of the International Height Reference System (IHRS). Reports 2015-2019 of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), Travaux de l'AIG, Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), 42-51, 2019
Schwatke C., Scherer D., Dettmering D.: Automated Extraction of Consistent Time-Variable Water Surfaces of Lakes and Reservoirs Based on Landsat and Sentinel-2. Remote Sensing, 11(9), 1010, 10.3390/rs11091010, 2019 (Open Access)
Zeitler L.: Einfluss des Weltraumwetters auf geodätisch bestimmbare Ionosphärenparameter. DVW Bayern e. V. Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, Mitteilungen, 2019

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