In the ionosphere the solar radiation stimulates ionization processes for the production of ions and electrons from different (neutral) chemical elements, e.g. oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. Due to the recombination and the composition, the vertical distribution of the electron density is not equal but shows a clear maximum at about 300 to 350 km altitude. The lower ionosphere is dominated by photochemical processes; the mid ionosphere is a region in which ionization and recombination processes together with thermal and dynamic processes play important roles; the upper ionosphere is mainly influenced by transport processes that determine the vertical and horizontal distribution of the electrons. Temporal variations are dominated by daily changes, but also seasonal and long-term (mainly due to the 11-year solar cycle) effects are present.
Measurements used in various geodetic applications such as satellite-based positioning and navigation are disturbed by the ionosphere. This frequency-dependent effect acts in a twofold way: the signal travel time is delayed and the signal path is bent. Whereas the latter effect can be neglected for most applications the delay depends on the integral of the electron density along the signal path between the transmitter and the receiver. In GNSS applications the satellites are equipped with the transmitter, the receivers are either located at terrestrial observation sites or on board of LEO satellites. The integration of the electron density along the ray path defines the so-called slant total electron content (STEC). For signals in zenith direction the vertical total electron content (VTEC) is defined. It can also be obtained from STEC by applying an elevation-angle-dependent mapping function, e.g. based on the so-called single-layer approach.
Figure 1 gives an overview about the most relevant space-geodetic satellite observation techniques for modelling the two target functions of the ionosphere, namely (1) the electron density and (2) VTEC either as a functional of the electron density or as the mapping of STEC. Exemplarily, Figure 2 shows animations of the two target parameters.